Toronto & Vancouver Photographer

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Tips for Success

I know it can be difficult to stay motivated and focused on the end goal when things don’t go as planned. The past couple of months I have read several business books, and searched for inspiration to stay motivated and focused on my goals. In this post you will find three tips you can easily implement in your daily life to help you succeed both personally and professionally.

Trust the process:

Almost everyday I question if pursuing my love of photography is the right choice. I am constantly considering finding a more stable 9-5 office job, but I know that isn’t where I’m supposed to be. One of the hardest things I’ve learned is that we need to trust the process, trust that even though our path may seem crazy at the time, in the end things will work out. It’s very difficult to be able to see the finish line, but it can be helpful to see it as a physical journey. In a book I love called “She Means Business”, the author Carrie Green discusses how a mentor once used the analogy of driving from one point to the next. If you decided to drive to Toronto, you may get stuck in traffic, be stopped by an accident or come across a road block but as long as you are driving in that direction you know that you will eventually reach Toronto. Thinking of your own personal journey this way can help you break through some of your mental barriers. Trust the process, and trust that with every step you take you are one step further to the end goal, even when it feels like you are standing still.

Practice like crazy:

A couple of month ago I had my photography critiqued by an established fashion photographer. One of the main things he told me was that I had to practice more. I sat there thinking “I’ve been practicing photography for over 8 years, what does he mean practice more?!”. But I took his advice and organized a shoot to add to my portfolio. It was a shoot done entirely in studio (something I don’t often do) and the outcome was amazing. My work from this shoot was 10 times better than anything I had created before. I didn’t realize it but I really did need to keep practicing. This made me realize that even when we think we have mastered (or almost mastered) a skill we have to continuously practice that skill in order to stay sharp. Whether you are trying something new or working on a skill you’ve known for years I encourage you to keep practicing. 


Every night before I go to bed I listen to abundance affirmations. This is something I started doing about a month ago after reading about how effective it is. Affirmations help to motivate you, and keep your mind focused on your goal. The affirmations I listen to focus around success and bringing wealth into your life. Since doing these affirmations I have booked more clients than I normally do and have been published in 3 magazines. Of course my hard work has also helped me achieve these goals, but I do believe practicing affirmations has prepared me mentally to achieve these goals as well. Affirmations work because of the areas they stimulate in our brains, these areas make us more likely to create positive changes in our health. There are several resources for affirmations online, I use affirmations on Youtube that I listen to, you can make your own, or read from affirmations as well. 

Thank you for reading my post, I hope these tips help you along your journey to success! Be sure to stay updated for upcoming posts!